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How Motherhood Shifted My Views on Halloween and All Saints Day

I was raised in a Christian home but also celebrated Halloween.
Updated Nov 14, 2024

In fact, one of my favorite childhood pastimes was flipping through a kids' Halloween cookbook that showed you how to make zombie pigs in a blanket and creepy-crawly gummy worm punch. (The punch was harder to create than it looked. I could never nail the visual aesthetic.) Of course, my Bible-believing family never once pursued the dark parts of the holiday. We spent most of our time visiting our local church's trunk-or-treat or snagging expensive candy from my grandmother, yet I celebrated Halloween in ignorant innocence. Nothing more, nothing less.  But, now that my son is here, ignorance isn't acceptable. My husband and I decide what will and won't be celebrated in our home. Our decisions shape an innocent life's worldview. That's a heavy responsibility. A really heavy responsibility. To be honest, for the past few weeks, the idea of celebrating Halloween has left my spirit feeling uneasy—not in a spooky way but with a sense of pause and caution.

Music from #Uppbeat License code: OTCGTKX5QFDFOCKT 

Originally published October 20, 2024.

Peyton Garland headshotPeyton Garland is an author, editor, and boy mama who lives in the beautiful foothills of East Tennessee. Subscribe to her blog Uncured+Okay and follow her on Instagram @peytonmgarland for more encouragement.