Pastor Greg Laurie Explains Why You May Be Attacked Spiritually

The world is a lost and fallen place, filled with people who desperately need to hear Christ’s message of hope, love, and forgiveness of sins. The Bible says Christians are to witness and reach out to the lost for Christ. Some people may not hear about Jesus Christ any other way.
However, Greg says that doing this exact work of spreading the gospel and leading people to Jesus Christ may result in your becoming under spiritual attack. In a clip posted on YouTube, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship church in Irvine, California, explains why he believes this to be the case.
“You know, it’s been said, ‘You don’t kick a dead horse,’” he said. “The idea is if someone is not a threat to the kingdom of darkness, I don’t think the devil is going to waste a lot of time on them. But if someone is moving forward as a Christian, and even worse, if they’re sharing the gospel and leading people to Christ, get ready; the enemy is going to oppose you.”
Greg then draws upon a section in the Bible; right before Jesus was to begin His ministry, He was taken out into the desert and was tempted by Satan.
“That actual spiritual attack can be a confirmation you are doing the right thing,” he said. “But here’s a tricky little thing: Sometimes the worst attacks happen after great spiritual victories.”
Being a Christian is not an easy path in life. Jesus Christ never said that once you become saved and turn your life over to Him, everything will be all happiness, rainbows, and roses. Christians will continue to be tempted and face evil and opposing forces that want nothing more than to stop and put an end to their work for Christ.
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
This content originally appeared on; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Pastor Greg Laurie
Originally published August 15, 2024.