Crosswalk Video

A Prayer Regarding Fortitude

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. As they go through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place...
Updated Jan 26, 2024

Holy God,
Thank you for being my king of kings and lord of lords. Great are you, Lord! You are my strength, and my heart is set on you. I know I will face situations where I will wonder if I’ll make it to the other side. Help me to see the beauty you’re making as I lean into you. Direct me as I go from strength to strength. Let the steps I take be guided by your hand and let the words of my mouth bring you glory and honor. Thank you for making my valleys a place of growth. I trust you for fortitude.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Originally published January 26, 2024.

Jessica Van Roekel author headshotJessica Van Roekel loves the upside-down life of following Jesus as she journeys to wholeness through brokenness. As an author, speaker, and worship leader, she uses her gifts and experiences to share God’s transformative power to rescue, restore, and renew. She longs for you to know that rejection doesn’t have to define or determine your future when placed in God’s healing hands. Find out more You can connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.