Crosswalk Video

A Prayer to Create Boundaries

“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” - Romans 12:18
Updated Mar 12, 2024

Lord, I pray for my relationships. There are times when I feel that I am being mistreated or drained by others. God, I need your wisdom to know when I need to step away or reestablish a boundary. Father, help me to never be guilty of removing people out of irritation or a lack of patience. Help me to live in peace and to be a peacemaker. Show me how to love people like you and respond in ways that honor you. Lord, may I never shift a relationship without your lead. I surrender my relationships to you and embrace the process. Bring those closer to me who need to be in this time of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Originally published March 12, 2024.

Victoria Riollano is a mother of eight, veteran spouse, Psychology professor, and doctoral student, Victoria has learned the art of balancing family and accomplishing God’s ultimate purpose for her life. Victoria holds an MA in Child Psychology and is the author of two books- The Victory Walk: A 21-Day Devotional on Living a Victorious Life and  Warrior Mother: Equipping Your Heart to Fight for Your Family’s Faith. When she is not writing, you can find her serving in her local church as the pastor’s wife, worship leader, and youth pastor. Ultimately, she desires to empower women to live a life of victory, hope, and love. You can connect with Victoria at and on social media at Victory Speaks by Victoria Riollano on Facebook and @myvictoryspeaks on Instagram.