Crosswalk Video

A Prayer to Live as a Good Friend

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look...
Updated Jun 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, I need Your help to love others as You do. My pride often gets in the way, and I miss opportunities to be selfless because my unmet needs consume me. Help me to be humble and consider others more highly than myself. I also don’t want to look to others to know I am accepted. When I experience rejection, I know that you love me. Instead of allowing myself to grow bitter or cynical, help me be hopeful and have eyes to see new opportunities to be a good friend to someone who may need it much more. Thank You for working in my heart and giving me the grace to love selflessly and sacrificially. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read the full devotional here.

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Originally published June 13, 2023.

headshot of Emily MasseyEmily Massey began writing short stories and poetry as a little girl, entered the blogging world in her early 20s, and published her first book in 2015. She enjoys being a stay-at-home momma while still being able to pursue her passion as a writer. Believing she has been forgiven much, she loves much, and desires to point others to Christ and His redemptive and transforming power, especially by sharing truth found in God’s written Word. If you would like to connect with Emily, you can visit