Crosswalk Video

Prayers for When Change Seems Impossible

Change can begin to seem futile. This is a dangerous mindset for the believer. When we doubt that change is possible, we can grow cynical. Our...
Updated Feb 03, 2023

Change can begin to seem futile. This is a dangerous mindset for the believer. When we doubt that change is possible, we can grow cynical. Our cynicism can breed hopelessness about our situations and whether others will ever be capable of making the greatest change–turning from their sin and following Jesus.

 Lord, we pray that as we seek to change, we would remember and depend on your spirit for power and not the power of our fleshly, faulty self-will. Lord, thank you that you’ve equipped us with everything we need to live a godly life this year and forever! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Photo and Audio Credit: ©Soundstripe Library, Pexels/Tima Miroshnichenko

Originally published February 03, 2023.

Ashley MooreAshley Moore is a writer and host of be the two™podcast. She is known for her relatability and for passionately writing and speaking about mental, emotional, and relational health from a biblical worldview. She has written for Kingdom Edge MagazineGuidepostsCrosswalkThe Secret PlaceenLIVEnThe Bubbling Brook and more. If Ashley isn't writing, you can find her with her husband, three children, and two floppy-eared Goldens on their south Georgia farmland. The best way to connect with Ashley is to grab a free devotional or Bible study and join her newsletter at