5 Signs Our Culture Has Forgotten People Are Not God
Several years ago, a Christian public figure I’d followed for years was found guilty of criminal activity. The scandal shocked people all over the world and started endless conversations online. One writer talked about the dangers of giving our Christian leaders too much power, and her voice stuck with me. She said that when people are placed in a position where they are above reproach and not held accountable, we feed their propensity toward sin. It doesn’t take much observation to see the truth of her words. Christian influencers in America draw thousands of people to their events, and followers often pay top-dollar to get in the front door. While there isn’t anything inherently wrong with attending these events, how do we know when we’ve crossed the line? Is there a way to discern when we’ve given another human being too much power? They are, after all, flawed humans and prone to their sinful nature, just like we are. I believe there are several signals to alert us when we give someone too much power. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it covers some of the things I often see. I’ve also fallen into some of these habits and have needed to repent of them. Here are five signs that our culture has forgotten people are not God.
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Originally published June 28, 2023.