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Steven Curtis Chapman Shares the Heartfelt Message That Helped While Grieving His Daughter

Steven Curtis Chapman Shares the Heartfelt Message that Helped While Grieving His Daughter from CCM Magazine on GodTube.

Pain, suffering, hurt, loss, and heartache are sadly part of this world. We all experience situations that cause great sorrow and indescribable grief. No one can or will escape this life unscathed. Life’s valleys and storms are very real. In the clip, Steven and Brandon were discussing the recent tragedy in which three of the four members of The Nelons, an award-winning southern gospel group, were killed in a plane crash. Autumn Nelon Streetman was the lone member of the group who was not on the plane.

Brandon asked Steven what he would tell Autumn, who lost her father, mother, and sister in the crash, as she goes through such a dark valley. Steven responded by sharing words of comfort and encouragement he received from famed Pastor Greg Laurie after losing his daughter Maria.

“I received a message from him,” Steven said. “A very simple, short message. And he said, ‘I just want to remind you of this: Because of what we believe and know is true and our hope in Jesus, our risen Savior, we know that our future, your future with Maria, is infinitely longer and greater than your short past.’”

Steven added that Greg’s uplifting and encouraging words helped and stuck with him because they were honest and accurate.

“And man, that was just one of those things that wasn’t like a bumper sticker, a Bible, you know, magnet for your refrigerator,” Steven said. “It was truth, and it was truth that I could really hold onto.”

God is the Great Comforter, offering healing, peace, and shelter during times of great pain and anguish. He is God in the good times as well as the bad. While tragedy may and will strike on Earth, our hope, future and strength are found in Jesus Christ.

Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©GodTube/CCM Magazine
