Top 10 Prayer Articles of 2023
We hope that as you pray these prayers for yourselves and others, you will find the peace and encouragement that only comes when we draw closer to God.
Find the Full Articles Below:
10. 10 Prayers God Always Answers - Carrie Lowrance
Sometimes an answer comes right away and sometimes we have to wait. However, there are some things we can pray for that God will always answer.
9. 23 Short Prayers to Give Hope to Your Soul
Whether you have had a personal relationship with God for years or you are only beginning to discover who Jesus is, we all need guidance sometimes when it comes to prayers.
8. 25 Powerful Prayers for Protection and Safety
When you are overcome by worry, use these prayers for protection to remember who God is and the protection he has promised you.
7. 25 Best Prayers for Before Meals and Dinner Time Blessings - Meg Bucher
Here are 25 prayers that will fit any mealtime situation, from formal family dinners, to meals on the go at the neighborhood drive-thru.
6. 10 Prayers to Say "Thank You God" with Heartfelt Gratitude - Rachel Dawson
We hope and pray that the following verses, prayers, videos, and resources help you find countless ways to say "thank you" to the Lord of all heaven and earth, the God who knows and cherishes our hearts.
5. 20 Opening Prayers Perfect for Meetings, Church, and Events - Meg Bucher
Here are powerful opening prayers to help focus our efforts on striving for the peace that transcends all understanding. Use them to begin asking God to bless and guide your time together!
4. Prayers for Healing That Provide Strength and Comfort
Are you facing a difficult disease, illness or malady but don't know what to pray? If you feel scared, alone, unsure of the future, or don't understand how healing works, pray these words in faith today!
3. 40 Night Prayers for the Evening to Sleep Peacefully
Share these night prayers for evening bedtime with your children, spouse and friends so they too can fall asleep feeling blessed and thankful. God is wanting and waiting to give you peace and comfort at night time.
2. Beautiful Happy Birthday Prayers and Blessings to Inspire Your Loved Ones
These beautiful prayers and Scriptures are a wonderful way to thank God for your loved one on their birthday and to help wish them a blessed birthday. Encourage them today and remind them of God's great love and presence in their life and yours!
1. 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day Encouraged
Saying a morning prayer is a great way to focus your minds attention on God as the first priority of your day! Use these suggested morning prayers as you seek God's plan for your day and ask Him to guide your thoughts and actions.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Kamonwan Wankaew
Originally published December 19, 2023.