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Top 10 Grandparenting Articles of 2023

Grandparents are a beautiful blessing to families! Here is a look at the top 10 Grandparenting articles from this past year.
Updated Dec 18, 2023

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5 Things That Hurt Relationships with Grandkids by Jaime Jo Wright

Your grandchildren will cherish time with you. Your children will cherish your investment in their children. But it does require communication, cooperation, respect, and healthy boundaries.

7 Scriptures That Show How Important Grandparents Are by Jennifer Waddle

“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.” —Rudy Giuliani

Throughout history, grandparents have played a central role in the lives of their children and grandchildren. Today, let’s take a few moments to stop and reflect on the value of grandparents—past or present. Let’s dive into a few Scriptures that offer beautiful words of affirmation about the aged—words that show just how important grandparents truly are.

7 Biblical Grandparents and the Amazing Lessons They Teach Us by Deborah Haddix 

There are many heroes of the faith in the Bible. As we read their stories, we typically see them as patriarchs and kings, military leaders and soldiers, strategists and spies, or parents and children. Rarely, if ever, do we think of them as grandparents. However, it’s true that most of the well-known people of the Bible were grandparents. Many played a key role in history, and each has something to teach grandparents today.

10 of the Greatest Things about Being a Grandparent by Lori Hatcher

To the Psalmist, grandparenthood is one of God’s great blessings. In Psalm 128, a Song of Ascent sung by travelers walking the dusty roads to Jerusalem, the psalmist lists the blessings God often bestows on those who love God: the ability to enjoy the fruit of our labor, a joy-filled home, and many children. With a flourish, he tops his ice cream sundae of blessings with the proverbial cherry: “May you live to see your children’s children.” Author Bryna Nelson Paston writes, “Truth be told, being a grandma is as close as we ever get to perfection. The ultimate warm sticky bun with plump raisins and nuts. Clouds nine, ten, and eleven.” If you have grandchildren, you know what I’m talking about. 

6 Amazing Roles That Grandparents Fill in Our Families Today by Amanda Idleman

This joy, support, and love that grandparents offer is so very important and impossible to fully quantify. Grandparents offer wisdom to those of us struggling through our parenting years and grace for grandkids that they can spoil in sweet snippets. Grandparents are marriage savers as many times they can offer dependable and safe childcare for always-needed date nights. Grandparents even step in as parents to their grandchildren when their own children become parents before they are ready or lack the skills they need to parent on their own. Grandparents are an invaluable asset to the upcoming generation.

What roles do we see grandparents filling in our society? The answer is so many!

10 Things All Grandparents Need to Hear by Linda Gilden

Communication is an important part of every relationship. Our words and actions speak volumes to those around us. Our relationships with our adult children and grandchildren are no different. We often exchange pleasantries. But it is the heartfelt words and actions that touch us in the deepest places. What are some of the things grandparents need to hear on a regular basis? Let's explore.

4 Fun Activities to Do with Your Grandkids by Jaime Jo Wright

These days grandparents have a lot of competition for the grandchildren's attention. If it's not sports, dance, or other activities that keep the kids occupied, then often, they're glued to their tablets or video games with little time for anything else.

But let's face it. Sometimes everyone needs some Grandma or Grandpa time, but finding fun and creative things to do together can be challenging. Children have a litany of interests that vary from personality to personality, but usually, there is something you can find to do. Sometimes you just need a list of suggestions to get you started. 

5 of the Best Gifts Grandparents Have to Offer Their Grandchildren by Amanda Idleman

An Oxford study found that grandparents play a high-level role in children's emotional and behavioral growth. Present grandparents help ensure children have fewer emotional problems and are less likely to find themselves involved in negative behavioral situations. The bottom line is that active and involved grandparents are a blessing to their children and grandchildren!

3 Powerful Lessons from Lois, Timothy's Grandmother by Stacey Monaco

As Lois followed Christ, she had a clear and lasting influence on her household that can be seen to have had an impact on the good of generations to come through the mission work of Timothy, and the correspondence from Paul to Timothy.

A Legacy Worth Passing Down to Your Grandkids: Your Faith by Jennifer Waddle

As King David once penned, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." This is a wonderful prayer for grandparents as they seek to leave a legacy of faith.

Photo credit: ©SWN

Originally published December 08, 2023.

Leah Arthur is the Family Editor of She graduated from James Madison University with a B.A. in English and minors in Creative Writing and Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication.