Are Pro-lifers More Concerned about the Unborn Than Pregnant Women?
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I think that accusation fails to acknowledge the shape of the modern pro-life movement. The modern pro-life movement is not just lobbying Capitol Hill. It includes that - we have people lobbying for laws that restrict abortion, but if you want to know what's going on on the ground, and in cities around this country and among pro-lifers, it's crisis pregnancy centers. That's what we're doing and it's places that women can come and they can have an alternative to abortion.
There is support financially and otherwise to help women bring their babies to term. There's assistance in adoption services so that there's an alternative even if they don't have the means to keep the child, or if they don't want to keep the child, then they can put that baby up for adoption, put it in a loving home. I know here where I'm from in Louisville, Kentucky, we have a very active and fruitful ministry in a crisis pregnancy center.
So, anybody who's saying that pro-lifers don't care about women, they're just not paying attention, and I don't think they're being honest with the modern face of the pro-life movement which is very much concerned about mothers as well as babies.
For those who will choose to keep their babies, there are people in line to get adoptions domestically, they are in line. For these women who want to keep their babies, there are options. You don't have to destroy that life - you can do something that's actually redemptive, something that doesn't leave you feeling empty. There are choices and there are options on the table. And there is support for these women, even postnatally. The crisis pregnancy center that we're associated with here is concerned about these women after the baby has come. After the babies are even put up for adoption there is counseling services, so there's so much more support. It's so much more of a life-affirming choice to keep those babies and not to let them be killed by the abortionist.
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Originally published June 24, 2022.