Does My Walk Need to Be Perfect to Pursue Holiness?
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Yeah, I think a lot of people in their Christian life, feel like they have to live up to this idea of perfect faith. They've got to walk perfectly, they've got to talk perfectly, and everything in their life has to be perfect.
That's not necessarily what the Bible says at all, but a lot of times we see a lot of pastors and Christian leaders will put on this persona of perfection of kind of maybe holier than thou, and if you're really walking with Christ in your life, should look like this. For a lot of people, that's just not the case. Why? Because we're all broken, and we all make mistakes.
Time and time again all throughout the Bible, we see God using people who were jacked up and broken, and sometimes their faith was terrible. Job is a perfect example. Abraham is a perfect example. Moses, "Uh, I don't know if I'm cut out for this," is a perfect example, but God still used them, and it didn't make their faith any less real.
My encouragement to people is look all throughout the Bible. You'll see time and time again, God used a bunch of broken, jacked up people whose faith wasn't perfect, but it didn't mean that it wasn't powerful, and it wasn't real.
Originally published April 19, 2018.