How Can I Talk to God if I Don't Feel Saved?
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I would say that if you are wondering if you are genuinely saved and you are basing that question on subjective feelings, then you should ask yourself a few objective questions. So, Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth and believe with our heart that Jesus is Lord, that we will be saved.” That is an objective promise that God has given us and told us very explicitly what we are to do and what He does for us.
I like to think about it as if there is an 80-year-old woman and she says, “I’m 20, I feel 20, I’m 20” if we look at her birth certificate, we are going to know that she is not twenty years old. If we look at her, we are going to know she is not twenty years old, she is objectively 82. So, if we look at our lives and we see that we have confessed and we have believed, then we should know that God’s promise is that we are saved if there has been a genuine confession of faith and a genuine response of faith. That is what we must trust in more than trusting in our feelings, because our feelings are always going to be flexing back and forth. So, if you are giving too much weigh to how you are feeling about something I would ask you to turn your eyes off how you feel and put them on what you know to be true about God. Because Romans 8:6 says that a mind set on flesh is death, but a mind set on the Spirit is life. So, we want to focus our eyes on the truth of God and what we know to be true instead of how we feel.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/RUNSTUDIO
Originally published August 18, 2022.