Video Q & A

How Can Jesus Be Both God and Man?

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Published Sep 07, 2022
How Can Jesus Be Both God and Man?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

That is a mystery that the human mind could never comprehend. The greatest Christian who ever lived, in my estimation, the brightest mind God ever gave the church, was Saul of Tarsus who became Paul the missionary. Paul the great author of so much of the New Testament. When he spoke of that he was clear that Jesus is God and Jesus is man. But  he also said, “Great is the mystery of godliness, that God was manifest in the flesh”.

While we cannot understand it, we know it is true in the announcement of the gospel. If you are going to believe the gospel this is a central core truth of the Christian faith. That Jesus is fully God and fully man. Just as much man as if he were not God at all. And just as much God as if he were not man at all. But God-man. 100% God and 100% man.

This is the core central truth of the Christian faith. Without Christ there is no Christianity. Without the deity of Christ and the humanity of Christ we have no message. It is the message that God became a man, incarnate (that means “in flesh”). God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. As Scripture says he is the visible image of the invisible God. So, when you believe in Jesus you are believing in God because Jesus is God who has revealed himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And so, he is touched by humanity. He knows our hurts, he knows our pains, he knows our temptations. And he took our sins on the cross. And as a man he died for us. But as God he rose again and saves us. So, Jesus is God. Jesus is man. It is a mystery, it is a miracle of miracles, and it is the message of the Christian faith.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/leolintang

Originally published September 08, 2022.