Video Q & A

How Do I Discover My Spiritual Gift?
Published Jul 06, 2022
How Do I Discover My Spiritual Gift?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety.   

The best way to discover your spiritual gift, I think, is to get busy serving. Get involved in a local church - I believe every single person should be involved in a good Bible-teaching local church. Sign up, volunteer, make your spiritual life about serving and giving back to the church. Not sort of this isolated, me and God, I'm going to be really spiritual, but giving back to the church. And when you do that, when you get busy about the work of God, God will reveal your strengths and weaknesses and your gifts, and will reveal what you're good at. And I think it's bad to sort of sit back and make it so individualistic and say "ooh I hope I'm that gift, or I think I'm this gift, or what's my gift" and sit around pondering it all day. Just get busy, and do it, and God will reveal it.

Does every believer have a gift?

Yes: “All these are the work of one and the same spirit, and he gives them to each man, just as he determines” (1 Corinthians 12:11).

Can a believer have more than one gift? Yes.

As we mature and our ministry responsibilities increase, God will give us the tools we need for the tasks ahead: “Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in the gifts that build up the church” (Romans 14:12).

The number of possible combinations is astounding. By using the algebraic formula, “2n-1” where “n” is the number of gifts, 18 spiritual gifts can produce 262,144 combinations.

To read more from this excerpt, see the following article: How to Discover and Develop Your Spiritual Gift

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Daisy 

Originally published July 07, 2022.