Video Q & A

How Do I Know If I'm Being Called to Be a Pastor?

There is a unique anointing or calling upon certain people that will fulfill the roles of the church as pastor, teacher, missionary, and...
Published Mar 28, 2023

Every Christian is called to salvation and to be a servant of Christ, regardless of our jobs. Our jobs become our pulpit and our platform - we are all called to share Christ and the message of the Bible. Having said that, there is a unique anointing or calling upon certain people that will fulfill the roles of the church as pastor, teacher, missionary, and evangelist.

Photo Credit: ©SWN Design

Originally published May 20, 2024.

Dr. Jack Graham encourages people with their daily readings of God’s Word through his “Bible in a Year with Jack Graham” podcast, available on The upcoming Easter-focused segments offer insight into the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, providing listeners with context and understanding for this important historical event. Dr. Graham is Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, the author of numerous books and a renowned Bible teacher.