How Do We Know There Are Not Any Mistakes in the Bible?

"There is a lot of scholarship that has gone on throughout the centuries and where there have been difficult translations, we have a number of different, well, they call them codex or different texts from different times. Some of them will say, 'This verse was not in this text. It was in another text' or that, and so they're not sure, but I think the scholarship through the years has been to discover what God says and to compare one translation with the other. I think because of that scholarship, we know that there is no doctrinal error in the word of God. There might be some questions on minute details, but nothing that affects the doctrine, and we can tell that because of the scholarship.
This is where I have to bow. I know the word of God and I intend to know it more and better. I've written inductive study courses throughout the whole Old Testament, from Genesis through Kings and Chronicles, the historical books, and of course, Ezra and Nehemiah and that, and all the prophets. Going through those, I know the word of God. I've read enough of it so that I don't have problems. There might be a problem in dating. There might be a problem in how old Saul was or was it 42 years or was it 40 years, but that's not going to make a difference in my faith, and that's not going to make a difference in what I learn about Saul.
I just come with that childlike faith, saying, 'God, you watch over your ward. What you have purposed will surely come to pass. What you have planned, no man can thwart.' People down through the centuries have said, 'We're going to get rid of this book. They never have. They never will because Jesus tells us that it will not be changed, so I rest in that.
Originally published October 27, 2021.