Video Q & A

How Does Atonement Change a Christian's Daily Life?

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Published Apr 11, 2018
How Does Atonement Change a Christian's Daily Life?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

Atonement has ridiculous relevance for our lives.

Let's say I have a great day on Sunday. Went to church. Heard the Word. Praised the Lord, it was really good. Then Monday comes. I wake up and everything that happened for me, to me, on Sunday, it's gone. It has zero effect on me. It's not helping me right now. I wake up on Monday, I have a sense of my sin. I have a sense of the fact that I deserve the judgment of God. What am I going to do? I need to run back to the truth of atonement. That Jesus Christ is my substitute. That there is no condemnation for me because I'm in Christ.

I've trusted in Christ. Jesus, Himself, is my Righteousness. So, I don't have to live my Christian life as though God’s acceptance of me is based on my performance. I don't have to live under the weight of the guilt of my sin on a daily basis because my guilt has been taken away because of the reality of atonement. The implications are huge.

I would start with the importance of preaching the Gospel to yourself every single day so that you live a life where you pursue obedience, but it's not to make myself right with God or to keep God from being angry with me. It's a pursuit of obedience as a response, a joyful response to what God has done for us in Christ in the atonement.

Originally published April 17, 2018.