How Should We Live Our Lives in Light of Our Identity in Christ?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety.
"Identity in Christ is something that is so foundational to every moment of our life, every choice we make, but I don't think we always think of it that way.
It's this ethereal thing that we talk a lot about theologically. We talk about being forgiven, being redeemed, having Christ's righteousness, but essentially, finding our identity in Christ means that everything about us, whether we're a mom, whether we work in the corporate world, whether we are women, whether we are men, relates directly back to Christ's nature and who He is.
In that sense, it has less to do with what we're doing than how we're doing it and who we are embodying through that process. When I think of my identity in Christ, I do think of my security in Him, but I also think of the truth that the scripture teaches that I am being recreated into the very likeness of Christ Himself, and so as I go about my work, I am representing His nature in those moments."
Originally published January 02, 2018.