Video Q & A

Is the Bible Opposed to the Idea of Women becoming Assertive Leaders?

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Updated Feb 12, 2018
Is the Bible Opposed to the Idea of Women becoming Assertive Leaders?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

"That's an interesting question. The question of whether women can be assertive leaders. I would probably ask, 'Should men be assertive leaders?'

A lot of times we excuse certain types of bullying or bossy behavior or aggression because we confuse it with leadership. The scripture gives us a very different definition of what leadership is. Christ said that, 'The greatest among you is the servant of all,' and so when we think about whether women should be assertive leaders or we should ban bossy, or all of these questions that we grapple with as a society and as a church, we really can't answer that until we form a clearly biblical God-honoring understanding of leadership."

Originally published January 08, 2018.