Should Abortion Be Permitted in Cases of Rape or Incest?
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The first thing you can think about is how tragic that situation is. It is so sad. And you want to show compassion to somebody in that situation. But as far as whether or not it is right to abort that child. We think about not how that child was conceived about what that child is. It is still a person growing inside that womb. It has a heartbeat. It’s a boy or a girl already. So, how that child was conceived does not impact the essence of what that child is—it is an actual person.
Whether or not it is right in that situation it doesn’t change because it is still a person. The question is still, “is it okay to abort a person”? And that’s not okay, that is murder, that is killing. Even though that is a really difficult situation we learn from the Cross that God can bring about the best things from the worst situations. Jesus dying on the cross for our sins is the worst thing that ever happened. It is when the perfect person, the one person who did not deserve to die, was used by God to bring salvation to the world. God can even bring a good situation out of somebody who has been impregnated by a rape or incest.
I recently heard about a homecoming queen at Auburn University. She was celebrated by her classmates and she was conceived through rape. And God is using her to spread the gospel message and the hope of life. Because that is her story and she came out of that. Is it tragic? It is so tragic, but God can even use that situation for good. Shouldn't abortion be permitted in cases of rape or incest? - Eric McKiddie from christianitydotcom2 on GodTube.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/SabdiZ
Originally published July 08, 2022.