What Does the Bible Say about Gender & Transgender Issues?
The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would.
When God calls us to be his disciples, he doesn’t call us as genderless automatons, he calls us as male and female. This means that we are embodied creatures, first of all. So, you are either a man or a woman and you will be a man or a woman for eternity. The Bible teaches that at the end of the age we will be resurrected in male and female bodies. This has implications. It means God’s creation is good and it is something he is redeeming. That means that manhood and womanhood is something that is good. Even though we experience corruptions of those in the present it does not mean that those are bad per se. It is just that we are living in a sinful, Genesis 3, kind of world.
Because our bodies matter eternally to God, it matters what we do with our bodies now. And of course, what we are supposed to do is prescribed in part by whether or not we are male and female.
If you are a man you need to be concerned with what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ as a male. There are biblically a set of roles and responsibilities that attach to the male that doesn’t attach to the female. God has called men in their families to be leaders, protectors, and providers. And that attaches specifically to men. That reaches back all the way connected to the basic distinction of the sexes that were created in Genesis 1 and 2.
And if you are a female God has a set of responsibilities and roles that belong to you as well. And it attaches directly to whether or not you are male or female.
So, gender roles are not just socially constructed they are connected normatively to our biological sex. And that is what the Scripture teaches.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Nito100
Originally published June 27, 2022.