What Is the Cure for Worry?

What Is the Cure for Worry?
  • Updated Oct 17, 2024

Have you ever spent hours, days, or even months worrying about something that, in the end, never happened? The philosopher Montaigne said, "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune, most of which never happened."

We can all relate to that statement because we are prone to worrying about things that never actually happen. A study was done where participants were asked to write down all the things they were worried about, and in the end, 85% of what they wrote down never happened. And for the stuff that did happen, it didn't actually turn out as badly as they'd made it out to be. I can't tell you how many times I've ruined a perfectly good time because I got worried. I started thinking, "What if something 'blank' happens?"

Stress and anxiety are nothing new. King Solomon talked about this exact thing in Ecclesiastes 2:22-25 when he says, 

"What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the Sun? All their days, their work is grief and pain, and even at night, their minds do not rest. This, too, is meaningless.
A person could do nothing better than eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This, too, I see, is from the hand of God. Without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?"

Solomon is saying, in its simplest terms, to chill out a little and learn to enjoy life. Life can be difficult, there is no doubt about that, but it's also filled with lots of good stuff. Time spent with family, hobbies, and maybe even parts of your work are enjoyable, but there's no point ruining the good times by worrying about the bad times.

We need to learn to be present and enjoy the moment right now. There is nothing wrong with enjoying life. I believe enjoying the life God gave us is actually a form of gratitude.

Quote about Enjoying Life

I love it when my daughter tells me "thanks" for something I've given her, but what really gets me excited is seeing her enjoying and playing with something I gave her. I think our Heavenly Father is the same. Paul actually talked to Timothy about the importance of putting our hope in God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

So may we be those who refuse to let worry and concern about what could go wrong ruin our ability to enjoy the good things God has given us right here and now. And there's a whole lot to be grateful for. Let's focus on those things.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/AaronAmat

headshot of author Joel MalmJoël Malm is the founder of Summit Leaders where he uses outdoor adventure and leadership coaching to help people find their calling and pursue a vision for their lives. His expeditions have taken him around the world to places like Mt. Kilimanjaro, Grand Canyon, and Machu Picchu. He has traveled in over seventy countries on six continents and speaks three languages. He holds a B.A. in Political Science and an M.S. in Counseling.
He speaks at churches, conferences, and corporate events around the country and is the author of seven books, including Vision Map (Moody Press), Connecting the Dots, and Keep It Light. (Salem/Regnery) He and his wife Emily and daughter Elise live in Texas.
Find out more at: http://joelmalm.com