When Should You Have the Birds and the Bees Talk with Your Kids?
When trying to discern when and how to teach your kids about sex, you must know your child well enough to know when it’s time to begin a dialogue about sex. A wise parent will realize your child will likely become curious about sex younger than when you grew up because the agenda of our culture is to capture and mold the minds of our children to accept and practice sexuality that is dishonoring to the Lord.
Parent, you must understand the value of being the first person to explain to your kids the birds and the bees because Satan desires to destroy your child and steal him away from God’s plan for his life. When a child becomes sexually active the enemy has a foothold in their life that he can use to take them down a path of destruction (see John 10:10). The years our kids spend in our care are critical as they’re developing their entire worldview.
Read the full article here.
Originally published March 11, 2024.