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‘Young Sheldon’ Character Delivers Compelling Argument for God’s Existence

‘Young Sheldon’ Character Delivers Compelling Argument for God’s Existence
  • Published Oct 10, 2024

Hollywood is not a place known to be friendly to Christians or those who believe in and worship the Creator. Most of the time, it’s the exact opposite. Television shows and movies generally paint characters who do believe in God as dumb and simple-minded. They are usually the butt of many jokes. 

However, Sheldon Cooper is anything but a simpleton. Anyone with a passing familiarity with either The Big Bang Theory or Young Sheldon knows this to be true. Sheldon is a genius and is very proud of that fact. He’s also quick to inform those around him of his superior intelligence, which often rubs people the wrong way, as is to be expected. 

The character Sheldon Cooper is an atheist. However, despite his unbelief, he makes a compelling case for the existence of God, bringing up several scientific facts. In a clip from Young Sheldon posted on Facebook, Sheldon sits on the porch with his mother while the two gaze up into the sky. 

The scene begins with Sheldon asking his mother if she still believes in God. She supplies her genius son with a non-answer, telling him that it is none of his concern.

He then rattles off facts about gravity being exactly as it needs to be for life to exist on Earth. 

“It’s just that gravity is precisely as strong as it needs to be,” Sheldon says to his mother. “And if the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the strong force wasn’t 1%, life wouldn’t exist. What are the odds that would happen all by itself?”

“The precision of the universe at least makes it logical to conclude there’s a Creator,” Sheldon adds. 

The tear-jerking scene ends with Sheldon and his mother sharing a loving embrace. As she hugs her son, she looks up at the sky as if to signal her continued belief in God. 

What a beautiful and surprising scene from a popular television program that makes the argument for the existence of God. 

Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/TBS