April Motl

Refreshing Your Heart for Your Husband

Could your “wifing” use some refreshing? Here's a little encouragement and a book give-away just for YOU!
Updated Aug 10, 2012
Refreshing Your Heart for Your Husband


Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands... Titus 2:3-4 NAS (emphasis added)


I married a wonderful, sweet, good, godly man. He’s the rock-solid steady type. I’ve watched him handle pressures that have quite literally sent many people over emotional/mental cliffs. He has a faith in our Lord I admire and aspire to. And even though I love and adore this man of mine up one side and down the other, there’s seasons in our life when I really don’t know how to love him. 


I grew up in a house full of girls. During times of stress or heartbreak we girls have ice cream, a good cry, lots of hugs and we’re better. After a few short months of marriage, I remember my husband telling me, “I know you are being sweet and loving right now, but this just isn’t how it works for guys.” Apparently it doesn’t work the same for husbands as for sisters. Go figure! 


Husbands are complex and being a good wife, a helpful partner and good lover (in every sense of the word) isn’t like “fallin’ off a log.” At least not for me. It requires a lot of personal sacrifice, attention to detail, planning ahead, thoughtfulness and even putting in the effort to learn from others.


Pam Farrel wrote 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband just for those of us who want to be good wives, but at times need help to know how! 


I love this book give-away and honestly want to put my own name in the drawing... I think I’ll just have to buy my own copy! In typical Farrel style, Pam uses short shots of encouragement and wisdom to go beyond the surface issues to the heart. Each of the 52 husband-wowing tips comes three-fold. There’s a practical wow assignment, wow wisdom, and a wow date idea. Not only is there a wealth of good ideas to bless our hubbies, but there’s also wisdom about dealing with some of our own wife issues that clog our ability to love our husbands.


That verse about seasoned women encouraging younger wives to love their husbands... interestingly, the word there for love in the original Greek the passage was written in, isn't the sacrificial, Jesus-hanging-on-the-cross kind of love. It's phileo - an affectionate, ooey, gooey, bubblin' over with sweet emotion kind of love. It the kind of love that wants to "wow" your husband and "put a smile on his face." 


Could your “wifing” use some refreshing? Maybe the Lord is calling you to be a Titus 2 woman and pass along some of wisdom through a book group at your church. Maybe it would just bless your husband's socks off if he knew you wanted to "wow" him! 


Here’s how to enter the book give-away:


This week we've got a special request! Leave a comment on Motl Ministries' facebook or twitter page with a marriage question you currently have or one that you had early on in your marriage. We'll be using the questions later in the Fall (but won't include your name - so no worries about embarrassing or awkward questions - if you have 'em, someone else does too!) and your participation is GREATLY appreciated! 


Summer give-away drawings are open from Friday to Thursday of the next week. Then each Friday we will announce the winner of last week's drawing and the new give-away. Entries are shuffled and the winner is selected randomly.


You can click here to purchase the book or click here to find out more about Pam and Bill Farrel's ministry to men, women and couples! They have an exciting new ministry event called the Peak coming up in August for any of you fellow SoCal-ers! 


Jean B. is the winner of last week's give-away 31 Days to a Happy Husband - congratulations!

Originally published August 10, 2012.